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Planned Giving: Join the Legacy Circle

Make conservation part of your family's legacy.

Join the Legacy Circle to make conservation part of your family's legacy through a bequest in your will or trust. Your estate can support San Dieguito River Valley Conservancy through any number of instruments, including: bequests, charitable remainder unitrusts, charitable gift annuities, IRA charitable roilovers, deferred gift annuities and land trusts. Ask your tax professional how planned giving can work for you.

The Legacy Circle includes:


Andy Baltins
Peter DeFrancesca
Wayne and Elizabeth Dernetz
Kimberly Godwin
Tom and Donna Golich
Lee Haydu
Cary and Maxine Kreitzer
Eric Lodge
Pamela Maher
William Simmons
James Smith
Robert Weisgrau
Betty Wheeler

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The San Dieguito River Valley Conservancy is a 501(c|(3) nonprofit.
Full legal name: San Dieguito River Valley Land Conservancy
EIN: 33-0197772

​​More Ways to Give


Employer Matching Gifts

Ask your employer about matching gifts. Many companies are set up to match charitable contributions by current and former employees. Your gift to San Dieguito River Valley Conservancy could be doubled!


Donor Advised Funds

You can make a grant from your existing donor-advised fund to make a lasting impact on the preservation and enhancement of the San Dieguito River Valley while sharing its beauty with the community through educational and recreational programming that fosters new environmental stewards.​

Let’s Help... Contact Us

We are here to help. Contact us with your questions on how to donate.

(858) 866-6956


Your Contribution


Building the Coast to Crest Trail and other River Park facilities


Preserving open space for the enjoyment of wildlife and humans and restoring habitat to its natural state by removing invasive plant species


Providing education programs, including Watershed Explorers, Citizen Science Monitoring, Exploring Our Sense of Place, and more.

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Phone: (858) 866-6956

Registered Charity:

501(c)(3) non-profit conservancy​


3030 Bunker Hill St

Suite 309-1

San Diego, CA 92109

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© 2024 San Dieguito River Valley Conservancy

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