San Dieguito River Valley ConservancySan Dieguito
River Valley Conservancy

Artistic Creations of Our Pollinators Facing a Changing Climate

Materials: Art supplies will vary depending on activity. Art examples included in provided materials. 

Warm Up: Think-Write-Pair-Share

  • As a class, discuss the challenges pollinators face with a changing climate. 
  • Have students with a partner think-write-pair-share about the things they would like to do to help the environment and animals. 
  • Refer to the 10 Things Poster to give students more ideas about ways they can help the environment. 
  • Share with students that they will create works of art to depict the impacts a changing climate will have on animals, especially pollinators, and what a decrease in pollinators can do to an ecosystem. Students can also create a representation for any of the 10 Things solutions as well. 


Students will create works of art through any medium that depict climate change and its impact on pollinators.

Telling the Story Through Art:

Have students illustrate, through any medium, how a changing climate may impact pollinators. Students can also portray any of the 10 Things Solutions as their art piece as well. Students can create art with any of the above proposed materials, such as collages, drawings, paintings, etc. 

Climate Kids Art Project Ideas:

  • Caterpillar/Butterfly Art: See examples located in the art activity box. 
  • Nature Journal:  Each student has a nature journal that they can take outdoors with them to draw their nature observations.  Encourage drawings of pollinators and the plants that they help.
  • Creative Writing Project: (See examples located in the art activity box.) Students will each write a Pollinator Postcard to Pollinators to express their gratitude for what pollinators do for the planet. Students can also send these postcards to their family to tell them what they have learned.
  • Creative Writing Project: Students will each create a Pollinator Poem about what they learned about pollinators and how we can help them.  The poems can be combined to create a class book or display.
  • Creative Writing Project: Students will write stories and/or draw cartoons about the journeys pollinators make to their flowers.
  • Art Project: Students can collaboratively create a class sign or decoration for their school garden about pollinators.