Becoming a member of the San Dieguito River Valley Conservancy is an easy way to support our conservation, education, and recreation programs in the San Dieguito River Valley!
Conservancy annual memberships range from our $50 basic membership to the $5,000 River Valley Champion Level. All annual memberships include these exclusive benefits:
Discover more in the River Valley! Enjoy access to regular and exclusive members-only hikes, lectures, and events in the River Park and watershed, including hikes to areas that are under consideration for purchase or not open to the public. Other events include small group tours, led by experts, to key River Park properties and educational programs led by conservation professionals and specialists about the River Valley’s natural, historical, and cultural resources.
Learn more about our educational programs here.

Members receive our Currents newsletter, delivered three times a year, which shares updates about our work and programs and news about current events in the River Valley.

Budding conservationist? Interested in local ecosystems and wildlife? Learn more about the amazing resources and natural history in the River Park by participating in unique and exclusive educational programs, such as our Citizen Science Monitoring Program.

Much of our work is accomplished through dedicated volunteers, who work to restore habitat, maintain trails, monitor water quality, and more. As a member, get the latest information about our many volunteer opportunities.
Learn more about volunteer opportunities here.

As a member, you’ll be a part of a community dedicated to preserving one of the most diverse ecosystems and natural resources in Southern California. Thanks to your support, we’ll be able to protect the San Dieguito Watershed for today and for generations to come.
Click here to purchase your San Dieguito River Valley Conservancy membership now, or mail a check to:
3030 Bunker Hill St., Ste. 309-1
San Diego, CA 92109

Our online store has clothing for the whole family (even pets!), Conservancy gift items, trail essentials, and more at our CafePress store.