The San Dieguito River Valley Conservancy preserves, protects, and shares the natural and cultural resources of the San Dieguito River Valley through collaborative efforts to acquire lands, complete trails, restore habitats, establish educational programs, create interpretive centers, encourage recreation, and mobilize public support.
The Conservancy is committed to diversity, equity, and inclusion in all aspects of our work. Our commitment to inclusion means we connect with the full diversity of people and communities throughout our watershed to seek input that informs our work. We commit to advocate and facilitate equitable access and inclusion to nature, environmental education, and empowering outdoors experiences for everyone.

In a series of short videos, we tell the story of our three-pronged mission: Conservation, Education and Recreation. Other brief videos talk about our never-ending outreach and give well-deserved thanks to the individuals and organizations that have supported us through the years. Enjoy!
Spanning approximately 900 square miles from Volcan Mountain’s headwaters to its outlet into the Pacific Ocean at Del Mar, the San Dieguito River watershed is vital for Southern California's ecological health. The watershed hosts numerous habitats, including chaparral, oak woodlands, riparian corridors, and coastal wetlands. This diverse landscape supports a wide range of wildlife and is home to endangered species such as the California least tern and the southwestern willow flycatcher.
Within the watershed lies the expansive, 92,000-acre San Dieguito River Park. Within the River Park, the nearly-completed, 71-mile-long Coast to Crest Trail eventually will run from Del Mar to Volcan Mountain. As the backbone of the trail network within the River Park, the Coast to Crest Trail is a regional resource for hiking, biking, birdwatching and nature exploration. Visitors can enjoy panoramic views of the river valley, encounter diverse wildlife, and learn about the area's natural history through interpretive signs and educational programs.
The San Dieguito River Park doubles as a sanctuary for wildlife and haven for outdoor enthusiasts. Managed by the San Dieguito River Park JPA and supported by local communities and organizations, the park exemplifies a shared commitment to preserving natural beauty, promoting public access, and fostering environmental stewardship for future generations.
The history of the creation of the San Dieguito River Park can be found here.

Since 1986, the Conservancy has supported the planning and development of the 71-mile-long Coast to Crest Trail. As a quasi-governmental agency, the San Dieguito River Park JPA is responsible for trail construction, management and ranger services. Spanning from the Pacific Ocean at Del Mar to Volcan Mountain north of Julian, the Coast to Crest Trail provides easy access to the natural beauty of the entire San Dieguito Watershed. Alongside the trail, interpretive panels and signage offer educational insights to enriching the experience for all visitors.
Trail Maps and Park Rules may be found on the JPA’s website.
The status of the unfinished segments of the Coast to Crest Trail can be found here.

San Dieguito Lagoon Resources
The SanDieguitoLagoon.org website provides a wealth of information on the history of the River Park and ongoing conservation efforts. Visit the website for detailed plant and animal profiles and tips for creating wildlife-friendly gardens.